
Invalid Token Workaround

On June 27, 2024, tokens mysteriously did not work for a few hours. The problem resolved itself within a few hours.

If you do see this problem, get in touch with the package maintainers via Slack. You can also message Justin Gordon at +1-808-281-7272.

As an alternative to the token issue, if you have an account with access to the docs and this file, you can create a new token and follow these steps.

To create a new token, visit

  1. Developer Settings
  2. Personal access tokens
  3. Tokens (classic)
  4. Generate a new token, classic
  5. 30-day expiration (to be safer)
  6. Repo privileges (not ideal) but shouldn't last long

Then follow these steps to use your token:

Note that this token gives repo access, so you want to revoke this token ASAP.