
Since the repository is private, you will get a GitHub Personal Access Token and an account that can access the packages. Substitute that value in the commands below. If you dont' have this, ask [email protected] to give you one.

Check the CHANGELOG to see what version you want.


For the below docs, find the desired <version> in the CHANGELOG. Note, for pre-release versions, gems have all periods, and node packages uses a dash, like gem 3.0.0.rc.0 and node package 3.0.0-rc.0.


Gem Installation

  1. Ensure your Rails app is using the react_on_rails gem, version greater than 11.0.7.
  2. Add the react_on_rails_pro gem to your Gemfile. Substitute the appropriate version number.

Gemfile Change

Replace the following in the snippet for the Gemfile

  1. <account> for the api key
  2. <api-key>
  3. <version> desired
source "https://<rorp-account>:<token>@"\
  "" do
  gem "react_on_rails_pro", "<version>"

Alternate installation keeping the key out of your Gemfile

source "" do
  gem "react_on_rails_pro", "<version>"

Or use the gem install command:

gem install react_on_rails_pro --version "<version>> --source ""

Then edit your permissions for bundler at the command line:

bundle config set <username>:<token>

Using a branch in your Gemfile

Note, you should probably use an ENV value for the token so that you don't check this into your source code.

gem "react_on_rails_pro", version: "<version>", git: "https://[your-github-token]:[email protected]/shakacode/react_on_rails_pro.git", tag: "<version>"

Rails Configuration

You don't need to create an initializer if you are satisfied with the default as described in Configuration

Node Package

Note, you only need to install the Node Package if you are using the standalone node renderer, NodeRenderer.


  1. Create a subdirectory of your rails project for the Node renderer. Let's use react-on-rails-pro.

  2. Create a file react-on-rails-pro/.npmrc with the following

  1. Create a react-on-rails-pro/package.json
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "@shakacode-tools/react-on-rails-pro-node-renderer": "<version>"
  "scripts": {
    "node-renderer": "echo 'Starting React on Rails Pro Node Renderer.' && node ./react-on-rails-pro-node-renderer.js"
  1. Be sure to run npm i and not yarn as only npm seems to work with the private github packages.

If you really want to use yarn, see Yarn can't find private Github npm registry

  1. You can start the renderer with either the executable node-renderer or, preferably, with a startup JS file, say called react-on-rails-pro/react-on-rails-pro-node-renderer.js with these contents. _Note the use of the namespaced @shakacode-tools/react-on-rails-pro-node-renderer for the package.
const path = require('path')
const {
} = require('@shakacode-tools/react-on-rails-pro-node-renderer')

const env = process.env

const config = {
  bundlePath: path.resolve(__dirname, '../.node-renderer-bundles'),

  // Listen at RENDERER_PORT env value or default port 3800
  logLevel: env.RENDERER_LOG_LEVEL || 'debug', // show all logs

  // See value in /config/initializers/react_on_rails_pro.rb. Should use env
  // value in real app.
  password: 'myPassword1',

  // Save bundle to "tmp/bundles" dir of our dummy app
  // This is the default
  port: env.RENDERER_PORT || 3800,

  // supportModules should be set to true to allow the server-bundle code to
  // see require, exports, etc.
  // `false` is like the ExecJS behavior
  // this option is required to equal `true` in order to use loadable components
  supportModules: true,

  // workersCount defaults to the number of CPUs minus 1
  workersCount: Number(process.env.NODE_RENDERER_CONCURRENCY || 3),

  // Next 2 params, allWorkersRestartInterval and
  // delayBetweenIndividualWorkerRestarts must both should be set if you wish
  // to have automatic worker restarting, say to clear memory leaks.
  // time is in minutes between restarting all workers
  // Enable next 2 if the renderer is running out of memory
  // allWorkersRestartInterval: 15,
  // time in minutes between each worker restarting when restarting all workers
  // delayBetweenIndividualWorkerRestarts: 2,

// Renderer detects a total number of CPUs on virtual hostings like Heroku
// or CircleCI instead of CPUs number allocated for current container. This
// results in spawning many workers while only 1-2 of them really needed.
if (env.CI) {
  config.workersCount = 2


Instructions for using a branch

Install the node-renderer executable, possibly globally. Substitute the branch name or tag for master

yarn global add https://<your-github-token>:[email protected]/shakacode/react_on_rails_pro.git\#master

This installs a binary node-renderer.

Using Github packages

Login into npm

npm install @shakacode-tools/react-on-rails-pro-node-renderer@<version>

or edit package.json directly

"@shakacode-tools/react-on-rails-pro-node-renderer": "<version>"


See NodeRenderer JavaScript Configuration.

Webpack Configuration

Set your server bundle webpack configuration to use a target of node per the Webpack docs.

Authentication when using Github packages

Auth for the npm package

Create a new ~/.npmrc file if one doesn't exist.


To configure bundler if you don't want the token in your Gemfile:

bundle config USERNAME:TOKEN