

  1. You don't need to create a initializer if you are satisfied with the defaults as described below.
  2. Values beginning with renderer pertain only to using an external rendering server. You will need to ensure these values are consistent with your configuration for the external rendering server, as given in JS configuration
  3. config.prerender_caching works for standard mini_racer server rendering and using an external rendering server.

Example of Configuration

Also see spec/dummy/config/initializers/react_on_rails_pro.rb for how the testing app is setup.

The below example is a typical production setup, using the separate NodeRenderer, where development takes the defaults when the ENV values are not specified.

ReactOnRailsPro.configure do |config|
  # If true, then capture timing of React on Rails Pro calls including server rendering and
  # component rendering.
  # Default for `tracing` is false.
  config.tracing = true

  # Array of globs to find any files for which changes should bust the fragment cache for
  # cached_react_component and cached_react_component_hash. This should include any files used to
  # generate the JSON props, webpack and/or webpacker configuration files, and npm package lockfiles.
  # Default for `dependency_globs` is an empty array
  config.dependency_globs = [ File.join(Rails.root, "app", "views", "**", "*.jbuilder") ]

  # Array of globs to exclude from config.dependency_globs for ReactOnRailsPro cache key hashing
  # Default for `excluded_dependency_globs` is an empty array
  config.excluded_dependency_globs = [ File.join(Rails.root, "app", "views", "**", "dont_hash_this.jbuilder") ]

  # Remote bundle caching saves deployment time by caching bundles.
  # See /docs/ for usage and an example of a module called S3BundleCacheAdapter.
  config.remote_bundle_cache_adapter = nil

  # If true, then cache the evaluation of JS for prerendering using the standard Rails cache.
  # Applies to all rendering engines.
  # Default for `prerender_caching` is false.  
  config.prerender_caching = true

  # Retry request in case of time out on the node-renderer side
  # 5 - default, if not specified
  # 0 - no retry
  config.renderer_request_retry_limit = 5

  # NodeRenderer is for a renderer that is stateless. It does not need restarting when the JS bundles
  # are updated. It is the only custom renderer currently supported. Leave blank to use the standard
  # mini_racer rendering. Other option is NodeRenderer
  # Default for `server_renderer` is "ExecJS"
  config.server_renderer = "NodeRenderer"

  # React on Rails Node Renderer now support render functions returning promises! To enable this optional functionality,
  # toggle the following option.
  # Default is false.
  config.rendering_returns_promises = false

  # If you're using the NodeRenderer, a value of true allows errors to be thrown from the bundle
  # code for SSR so that an error tracking system on the NodeRender can use the exceptions.
  # If you are using ExecJS as your rendering method, set this to false.
  # Default is true.
  config.throw_js_errors = true

  # You may provide a password and/or a port that will be sent to renderer for simple authentication.
  # `https://:<password>@url:<port>`. For example: https://:myPassword1@renderer:3800. Don't forget
  # the leading `:` before the password. Your password must also not contain certain characters that
  # would break calling URI(config.renderer_url). This includes: `@`, `#`, '/'.
  # **Note:** Don't forget to set up **SSL** connection (https) otherwise password will useless
  # since it will be easy to intercept it.
  # If you provide an ENV value (maybe only for production) and there is no value, then you get the default.
  # Default for `renderer_url` is "http://localhost:3800".
  config.renderer_url = ENV["RENDERER_URL"]

  # If you don't want to worry about special characters in your password within the url, use this config value
  # Default for `renderer_password` is ""
  # config.renderer_password = ENV["RENDERER_PASSWORD"]

  # Set the `ssr_timeout` configuration so the Rails server will not wait more than this many seconds
  # for a SSR request to return once issued. 
  config.ssr_timeout = 5
  # If false, then crash if no backup rendering when the remote renderer is not available
  # Can be useful to set to false in development or testing to make sure that the remote renderer
  # works and any non-availability of the remote renderer does not just do ExecJS.
  # Suggest setting this to false if the SSR JS code cannot run in ExecJS
  # Default for `renderer_use_fallback_exec_js` is false.
  config.renderer_use_fallback_exec_js = false

  # The maximum size of the http connection pool,
  # Set +pool_size+ to limit the maximum number of connections allowed.
  # Defaults to 1/4 the number of allowed file handles.  You can have no more
  # than this many threads with active HTTP transactions.
  # Default for `renderer_http_pool_size` is 10
  config.renderer_http_pool_size = 10

  # Seconds to wait for an available connection before a timeout error is raised
  # Default for `renderer_http_pool_timeout` is 5
  config.renderer_http_pool_timeout = 5

  # warn_timeout  - Displays an error message if a request takes longer than the given time in seconds
  # (used to give hints to increase the pool size). Default is 0.25
  config.renderer_http_pool_warn_timeout = 0.25 # seconds

  # Snippet of JavaScript to be run right at the beginning of the server rendering process. The code
  # to be executed must either be self contained or reference some globally exposed module.  
  # For example, suppose that we had to call `SomeLibrary.clearCache()`between every call to server
  # renderer to ensure no leakage of state between calls. Note, SomeLibrary needs to be globally
  # exposed in the server rendering webpack bundle. This code is visible in the tracing of the calls
  # to do server rendering. Default is nil.
  config.ssr_pre_hook_js = "SomeLibrary.clearCache();"

  # When using the Node Renderer, you may require some extra assets in addition to the bundle.
  # The assets_to_copy option allows the Node Renderer to have assets copied at the end of
  # the assets:precompile task or directly by the
  # react_on_rails_pro:copy_assets_to_remote_vm_renderer task.
  # These assets are also transferred any time a new bundle is sent from Rails to the renderer.
  # The value should be a file_path or an Array of file_paths. The files should have extensions
  # to resolve the content types, such as "application/json".
  config.assets_to_copy = [
     Rails.root.join("public", "webpack", Rails.env, "loadable-stats.json"),
     Rails.root.join("public", "webpack", Rails.env, "manifest.json")