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Secrets and ENV Values

You can store ENV values used by a container (within a workload) within Control Plane at the following levels:

  1. Workload Container
  2. GVC

For your "review apps," it is convenient to have simple ENVs stored in plain text in your source code. You will want to keep some ENVs, like the Rails' SECRET_KEY_BASE, out of your source code. For staging and production apps, you will set these values directly at the GVC or workload levels, so none of these ENV values are committed to the source code.

For storing ENVs in the source code, we can use a level of indirection so that you can store an ENV value in your source code like cpln://secret/my-app-review-env-secrets.SECRET_KEY_BASE and then have the secret value stored at the org level, which applies to your GVCs mapped to that org.

For setting up secrets, you'll need:

  • Org-level Secret: This is where the values will be stored.
  • GVC Identity: An identity that must be associated with each workload that requires access to the secret.
  • Org-level Policy: A policy that binds the identity to the secret, granting the necessary permissions for the workload to access the secret.

You can do this during the initial app setup, like this:

  1. Add the template for app to .controlplane/templates
  2. Ensure that the app template is listed in setup_app_templates for the app in .controlplane/controlplane.yml
  3. Run cpflow setup-app -a $APP_NAME
  4. The secrets, secrets policy and identity will be automatically created, along with the proper binding
  5. In the Control Plane console, upper left "Manage Org" menu, click on "Secrets"
  6. Find the created secret (it will be in the $APP_PREFIX-secrets format) and add the secret env vars there
  7. Use cpln://secret/... in the app to access the secret env vars (e.g., cpln://secret/$APP_PREFIX-secrets.SOME_VAR)

Here are the manual steps for reference. We recommend that you follow the steps above:

  1. In the upper left of the Control Plane console, "Manage Org" menu, click on "Secrets"
  2. Create a secret with Secret Type: Dictionary (e.g., my-secrets) and add the secret env vars there
  3. In the upper left "Manage GVC" menu, click on "Identities"
  4. Create an identity (e.g., my-identity)
  5. Navigate to the workload that you want to associate with the identity created
  6. Click "Identity" on the left menu and select the identity created
  7. In the lower left "Access Control" menu, click on "Policies"
  8. Create a policy with Target Kind: Secret and add a binding with the reveal permission for the identity created
  9. Use cpln://secret/... in the app to access the secret env vars (e.g., cpln://secret/my-secrets.SOME_VAR)