Migrations on Sequelize-CLI for beginners
Learn the basics of Sequelize-CLI with Renan Aguiar. Packages, npm, npx, configuration folders, migration statuses and more.
Optimizing Google Fonts on Gatsby Sites
Achieve faster page loads and avoid flashing and jumping fonts by properly preloading Google fonts on your Gatsby sites with the gatsby-plugin-prefetch-google-fonts plugin.
Updating My Blog to Octopress with Jekyll 2 and Discourse for Comments
How to update Octopress to Jekyll 2 and add Discourse for comments on a static site.
Org-Mode Octopress Setup V2
This is a refresh of my original post from April, 2013 to adjust for Emacs 24.3 and org-mode 8.2.x
Renaming, Redating Blog Posts
Here's a few tips regarding renaming and redating posts and pages in Octopress.
Octopress Setup with Github, Org Mode, and LiveReload
Installing Octopress with github hosting, Org Mode markup, and Live-Reload
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